GMV takes part in the MySustainableForest training webinar


On September 22, coinciding with EU GreenWeek 2020, the partners of the H2020 MySustainableForest (MSF) project held a webinar to inform forestry sector end-users of the application of forestry services based on remote sensing.

MSF’s service portfolio includes products related to forest site characterization; wood characterization; forest condition; volume, biomass and CO2 stocks; ecosystem vulnerability and forestry accounting. These services, based on satellite, statistical, sonic and LiDAR data, have been developed and vetted by the consortium during the last three years; they aim to improve sustainable forestry throughout the whole of Europe.

GMV organized the webinar together with the European Forest Institute (EFI). María Julia Yagüe, GMV’s Remote Sensing & Geospatial Analytics expert and MSF Project Manager, gave the welcoming address followed by a presentation on satellite, statistical, sonic and LiDAR data.

During the workshop GMV also presented MSF’s woodland diversity product, the MySustainableForest platform as well as the commercial solutions developed under the project.


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