GMV participates in the cyber exercises of the European Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA)

GMV participates in the cyber exercises of the European Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA)

Europe’s ICT industry is becoming one of the most advanced in the world and is now an important part of the global economy. This industry is now undergoing an unprecedented paradigm change, recording a soaring number of increasingly sophisticated and coordinated cyberattacks that spill over national borders. Both the authorities and the cybersecurity experts of EU’s member states are now duty bound to react to this perilous threat.

In this worrying scenario the European Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA) has organized Cyber Europe 2016, the largest-scale cyber exercise carried out to date, which aims to promote cross-border cooperation in the fight against cybercrime in Europe.

GMV has participated in this exercise, which brought together experts from the 28 EU member countries plus Switzerland and Norway, including cybersecurity agencies, ministries, EU institutions plus cybersecurity service providers and internet and cloud services providers.

The proposed exercise consisted of a cyber-incident drill in which experts had to analyze these incidents and come up with technological solutions to ensure business continuity and safeguard Europe’s single digital market.

The results of the Cyber Europe 2016 exercise, after due analysis by ENISA and the member states, will be shared by participants with the aim of drawing up a list of best practices to make Europe’s cyberspace a securer place.


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