GMV welcomes prominent group of former senior executives from the Spanish Administration

Visita ex altos cargos_marzo22

GMV was visited recently by a group of people who are or have been members of the Spanish public administration, including senior executives from the ministries of the interior, defense, justice and the press.

The event was kicked off with a general presentation of the company in the auditorium at the PTM site in Madrid, with a brief overview of the company’s history, from its foundation to today, highlighting its evolution and rate of growth. GMV’s general managers of defense, space and Secure e-Solutions showed the guests the company’s organization into different activity sectors, as well as the most important references and projects, showing the company's potential in those areas.

Following the presentation, there was a brief talk covering the very latest issues, such as how the Ukraine-Russia conflict is affecting the navigation systems that use GNSS technologies and the added value of PRS technology (Regulated Public Service) in overcoming problems related to jamming and spoofing detected by the European Security Agency during the conflict the week before the meeting (March 14-18).

Those in attendance were also interested in matters related to the company’s property and its collaborators, showing great interest in the issues covered during the visit and stressing the company’s capacity for innovation and its international presence.

Visita ex altos cargos 2_marzo22
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