GMV present at the International Symposium on Space Flight Dynamics

From the 29th of August to the 2nd of September, the International Symposium on Space Flight Dynamics (ISSFD) took place in Beijing, China.
A hybrid online/onsite conference jointly organized by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), the State Key Astronautical Dynamics Laboratory (ADL) and Beihang University (Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics BUAA).
It consisted of a series of conferences addressed to specialists in the field of space flight dynamics, with an emphasis on operational activities and results.
GMV attended the event remotely, to present two technical papers about its work in the context of both Interplanetary Orbit Determination and Mission Analysis.
The first article "Effects on Spacecraft Radiometric Data at Bepi-Colombo Superior Solar Conjunctions" was about the development and testing of techniques to improve the orbit determination accuracy for Bepi-Colombo around its superior solar conjunctions. This is achieved by calibrating the effects of the solar plasma on the doppler and range observables taking advantage of the triple frequency link that is available on this spacecraft.
The second paper "Trajectory Design and Navigation Analysis of Hera's Rendezvous with the Didymos Asteroid System" showed how we can use the lessons learned when flying previous missions, like Rosetta, for the trajectory design of new missions such as Hera. The paper focuses on the design of the Rendezvous sequence of Hera, this is, the sequence of arrival to the Didymos asteroid system, for a set of possible arrival conditions. Also, it summarised the validation process through navigation analysis of the proposed trajectories.