Learning with robotics at the ASTI Robotics Challenge

The 7th edition of Spain’s foremost educational robotics competition, the ASTI Robotics Challenge, was recently held on May 6th. GMV supports this event each year, and again during this edition, it served as a member of the judging panel. The mission of this competition is to encourage students to pursue careers in science and technology and to inspire talented young people to continue with their education in the STEM disciplines.
The final tournament features two categories for high school, vocational training, and university students of various ages. This year there were 39 teams of students competing in the final event, who had qualified from among the 80 teams that participated in the earlier elimination phases. Also, this year the tournament was opened to international competitors, and so in addition to teams representing most regions of Spain, there were also three Dutch teams and one German team competing.
The goal of the challenge is for the teams to build a mobile robot, which they will then use to compete by overcoming a series of challenges. Throughout the entire process, the students are learning how to apply their knowledge, while acquiring new capabilities in the areas of technology, coding, and robotics. Working as a team also helps them enhance their skills and abilities in the areas of project management, entrepreneurship, innovation, and creativity.
GMV’s participation in this project is based on the commitment it shares with the ASTI Foundation, to educate and develop talent as drivers for career advancement. This latest edition took place at the Fórum Evolución Conference Centre in the Spanish city of Burgos, which was able to accommodate the increasingly large audience this competition is now attracting as its popularity continues to grow.