The Digital Transformation Circle of the German Chamber of Commerce in Spain visits GMV

In June a group of companies belonging to the German Chamber of Commerce in Spain and members of the Digital Transformation Circle visited GMV's head office in Tres Cantos, Madrid. This invitation sought to present the different areas of activity of the multinational engineering group in a meeting that concluded with a subsequent networking session.
GMV's president, Mónica Martínez Walter, welcomed the attendees, thanking them for their visit and reasserting her commitment to collaborating with the institution, which works to foster Spanish-German economic relations and represent the interests of its member companies, as is the case of the company she heads. She then shared with them some of the latest projects GMV has been working on, in line with the company's commitment to competitiveness, innovation, and sustainability.
Following her talk, GMV's experts elaborated on the projects where digital technologies such as artificial intelligence or advanced analytics contribute to diverse and important goals like reducing space debris and healthcare research.
In the current context of the data empire, the company's cybersecurity experts stressed the vital importance of ensuring the protection of their organizations, both in terms of their activity and the information stored, an area where GMV has been providing services for over 20 years to leading public and private clients such as the National Cybersecurity Institute (Instituto Nacional de Ciberseguridad: INCIBE),, and Grupo Santillana.
For his part, Rafael Merinero, president of the German Chamber's Digital Transformation Circle, thanked GMV for its welcome and its contribution to the many initiatives promoted by the organization, recalling in particular its participation in the competitions for excellence awards, in which some of GMV's products made it as finalists, as was the case of its intraoperative radiotherapy planner, Radiance.