Final meeting of the PASSARO project

GMV attended the final meeting of the PASSARO project on 27 September at the INEGI offices in Tagus Park, Lisbon.
GMV was an integral part of the consortium behind the PASSARO project, which stands for caPAbilities for innovative Structural and functional teSting of AeROstructures. Launched in 2016, the project sought to develop multifunctional materials (high-energy noise and impact) for composite aerostructures. It also carried out inspection, testing, and simulation for virtual certification, and created robotic production technologies for the cockpit developed by Airbus DS in the Clean Sky program.
The project also involved the development of automation processes and functional tests for maintenance using an Industry 4.0 approach, as well as ergonomic “design thinking” concepts to promote pilot comfort and improve human-machine interaction.
The consortium comprised 11 partners, including companies and R&D institutions, in close collaboration with the Iberian region and Airbus DS. PASSARO was selected as a core partner of the Clean Sky 2 program, a public-private partnership for the aeronautics industry under the EU’s Horizon 2020 Framework program.
This project, recognized by the National Innovation Agency as one of the five European projects with national leadership and the greatest impact on Horizon 2020, stimulated and leveraged national technological competencies and projected them into the European aeronautics industry.
At the meeting, João Cintra, Section Head of Homeland Security and Defense at GMV in Portugal, presented GMV’s augmented reality platform, which boosts efficiency by replacing manual cockpit testing with Microsoft Hololens technology. This allows the process to be completely dematerialized, increasing effectiveness and efficiency exponentially.
José Neves, Defense Director at GMV in Portugal and President of AED Cluster Portugal and Homeland Security and was also present at this final meeting.