EU initiative to create a space information sharing and analysis center

In its Space Strategy for Security and Defence (EUSSSD), the European Union (EU) has announced the creation of a centre to analyze and share security related information to enhance the security of the EU space sector. The EU Space Information Sharing and Analysis Centre (ISAC) initiative boasts participation from the European Union Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA), the European Commission (EC), the industry, public partners and academia.
GMV is one of the founding members of this new initiative, which aims to strengthen security and improve the overall resilience of the EU space sector so as to prevent, address, and mitigate security challenges, including cybersecurity.
The first meeting of the board, held on April 24, was cochaired by the European Commission and EUSPA, and the 12 founding members attended, representing both large industrial groups and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) from throughout the European Union, including GMV. The actions carried out at the inaugural meeting of the board include establishing the common rules for EU space ISAC functioning and creating a working group dedicated to security and cybersecurity threats.
Activities will entail among others:
Sharing return of experience on security incidents on a voluntary basis.
Improving the cybersecurity of the EU space industry by sharing information about resilience.
Collaborative approach to security, leveraging resources and know-how.
Access to experience and guidance with know-how, exchanging information with public agencies.
Support in response to incidents and recovery from them upon request.
To this end, on 24 April the terms of reference of this new EU space ISAC were signed, which will contribute to the security of the EU Space sector. As a founding partner, GMV will be one of the Spanish companies that will contribute to establishing the EU space ISAC.