GMV highlights the importance of the space sector in the IV Conference on European Funds

On Thursday, May 16, Madrid became the epicenter of the discussion on the economic and technological future of Europe by hosting the IV Conference on European Funds, organized by under the slogan “Innovation for sustainable growth”. This event focused on exploring the impact of European funds in critical areas such as the promotion of sustainable energies, decarbonization, industrial transformation, and challenges in security and aerospace, in addition to advances in the digitalization of the Spanish economy.

The conference was inaugurated by the President of the Spanish Government, Pedro Sánchez, who stressed that “European funds represent a historic opportunity that Spain is taking advantage of to modernize our productive fabric”. 

Throughout the day, the main members of the Government joined in the analysis of the challenges to promote innovation that will allow sustainable growth thanks to the arrival of grants from Europe and shared their perspectives on the various topics discussed.

After the speech of the Minister of Science, Innovation and Universities, Diana Morant, who stressed the importance of the space sector as a strategic sector that generates quality employment, there followed a round table discussion entitled “The Aerospace Future”, with the participation of GMV's CEO, Jesús Serrano, together with other sector representatives such as the recently appointed director of the Spanish Space Agency (Agencia Espacial Española), Juan Carlos Cortés. During his speech GMV's CEO expressed his gratitude for the setting up of the Spanish Space Agency and praised Spain's firm commitment to the European Space Agency (ESA). Serrano stressed that this support has enabled Spanish firms to compete not only in the European arena and in the EU's big programs but also in the global market, both commercial and institutional. He also highlighted the growing influence of space in people's lives, in the improvement of the environment, productivity and in the promotion of new business models.

Serrano underlined the importance of continuing to invest in the space sector due to its significant impact on strategic infrastructures and stated that “we have to congratulate ourselves for the capabilities we have in Europe and also in Spain. Thanks to Spain's positioning, it has been possible to compete for the second generation of Galileo and to work on the next generation of satellite navigation systems, in low orbit and new technologies”.

The round table discussed other important topics such as the relationship between space and defense, future applications, space sustainability, issues related to cybersecurity in space and the demand for technological talent. You can access it at the following link: 

Jesús Serrano
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