Home Press Releases Stay up-to-date on our communications Print Share RSS Date Min Max Aeronautics Automotive Corporate Cybersecurity Defense and Security Financial Healthcare Industry Intelligent Transportation Systems Digital Public Services Services Space GMV’s space business grows by 30% The company, worldwide leader in areas like control centers and navigation, tops 140 million euros in Space From the employment point of view GMV ranks 6th in Europe’s space industry These all-time-high figures have been chalked up on the strength of breakthrough business in Galileo and Copernicus programs, OneWeb mega-constellation plus developments for Eumetsat, space surveillance, exploration and planetary defense GMV, SENER Aeroespacial and TECNOBIT-GRUPO OESIA to lead the Remote Carrier Technology Pillar for the NGWS/FCAS defense project The agreement between the three firms comes under the industrial plan coordinated by the Spanish MoD Following Spain’s membership of the NGWS/FCAS project, the three companies will be joining efforts to coordinate national participation in the Remote Carrier Technology Pillar, taking up pole position in the Next Generation Weapon System (NGWS) GMV technology to run Manila’s local train network in the Philippines GMV to set up its inhouse railway fleet-management system, SAE-r®, for Philippine National Railways (PNR) The project will provide PNR with an all-in railway-fleet operation, management and planning system The SAE-r® platform will keep track of the position and state of each train while also recording any fleet incidents GMV to install control system for Space Norway’s two Arctic-deployed satellites ASBM-1 and ASBM-2, built by Northrop Grumman, make up the core of the Arctic Satellite Broadband Mission (ASBM) The satellites will be operating in a highly elliptical orbit carrying payloads for Inmarsat, the Norwegian Ministry of Defense and the United States Airforce, providing cover north of the Arctic Circle GMV will develop and install the Satellite Operations Center GMV signs up a renowned technology executive as new CEO OF GMV SYNCROMATICS GMV’s Los Angeles ITS company, GMV SYNCROMATICS, will be led by a renowned global executive with an outstanding track record in the technology industry Rich Archuleta holds degrees in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University. His strong grasp of technology solutions will bring GMV SYNCROMATICS a host of invaluable insights and lessons learned in companies of the stature of HP GMV’s avionics system greenlighted for microlauncher use Developed by GMV for Miura 1, the system passes its first qualification phase, a pre-launch condition The system’s scalability and modularity make it flexible and adaptable to many different types of launch vehicles The system’s technology affordably guarantees the launcher’s required performance standards About MIURA 1 and MIURA 5 Industry GMV opts for Automation Anywhere’s RPA solution GMV joins Automation Anywhere Partner Programme La Automatización de Procesos Robóticos, unida a la Inteligencia Artificial, aumenta la eficiencia operativa además de liberar a los profesionales de tareas tediosas y de bajo nivel GMV presents dronelocus® for the safety and management of U-Space U-Space is the set of new services and procedures designed to guarantee safe and secure airspace access for unmanned aircrafts The number of civil unmanned aircrafts making use of the airspace is expected to soar in the mid- to long-term, making it urgent to set up an all-in drone traffic management system It is estimated that Spain will have a fleet of 51,400 professional drones by 2035, making the sector one more mobility and transport factor to be taken into account GMV renews the maximum CMMI Maturity Level GMV becomes the first European firm to renew level-5 appraisal under the new version of the CMMI model, launched midway through 2018 This represents a new recognition of GMV’s ongoing quest of quality as the driver of excellence and sustainability GMV, a l’avantguarda en el desenvolupament de tecnologies de posicionament per a vehicles autònoms GMV ha estat seleccionada per al desenvolupament de tecnologies avançades de posicionament precís i segur per a una nova generació de vehicles autònoms Amb aquest nou projecte, GMV es posiciona com a proveïdor de solucions de posicionament per a cotxe autònom basades en sistemes globals de navegació per satèl·lit, àrea en la qual té un gran coneixement i una experiència demostrada La solució de posicionament precís i segur de GMV complirà els requisits de seguretat i prestacions del client i el programari desenvolupat seguirà les exigents normatives d’automoció i els més alts nivells de qualitat GMV modernizes Rabat’s urban transport system ALSA, Spain’s leading road passenger transport operator, in a joint venture with the local firm CITYBUS TRANSPORT, has been awarded the concession for running Rabat’s urban transport service GMV has been chosen for supplying the fare-collection, fleet-management and passenger-information systems GMV’s smart systems will be set up in an initial 350-vehicle fleet to be enlarged to 500 over the coming years End of the drone standardization tests with Europe’s GNSS systems The consortium made up by GMV, VVA and FADA-CATEC will lead Galileo and EGNOS services for operations with uncrewed aircraft (RPASs, UAVs and drones) The purpose of the tests was to gauge the potential drone performance of European navigation systems (Galileo and EGNOS) for air traffic management and for typical applications in various environments The trials show that Galileo comes up with a better response than America’s GPS and also that EGNOS’s corrections improve GPS accuracy down to less than one meter The three trials Conclusions of the tests carried out Pagination First page « Previous page ‹ … Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Current page 15 Page 16 Page 17 Page 18 Page 19 … Next page › Last page »