GMV's satellite control systems at Satellite 2013

For yet another year GMV exhibited its products and systems at Satellite 2013, the world’s foremost telecommunications-satellite event. This conference and exhibition, which ran from 18 to 21 March this year, is held annually in Washington D.C. and brings together the sector’s main stakeholders. 

GMV is now the world’s foremost independent supplier of ground control systems for commercial telecommunications satellite operators. There are now over 150 satellites of the main operators from the five continents operating with GMV’s control systems.

GMV supplies satellite control centers with real time telemetry and telecommand systems supporting missions of various types. GMV also develops and supplies turnkey systems based on specifications furnished by clients with special needs, systems developed from SCOS-2000 (ESA’s real-time TM/TC kernel) or for the commercial telecommunications satellite market, systems based on the adaptation of hifly®, the inhouse multi-satellite, multi-mission COTS product flight-tested for integral support of satellite operations using commercial platforms.

In the flight-dynamics area GMV’s systems, 100% hight tested, are primarily based on adaptation of the focusSuite family, the firm’s inhouse multi-satellite, multi-mission COTS flight-dynamics product for supporting satellite operations in all types of missions and all phases; and also on smart rings, which allows engineers to reconfigure payloads rapidly and minimise downtime.

As on former occasions GMV ran a large stand displaying and demonstrating hifly® and focusSuite. Jorge Potti, GMV’s General Manager of Aerospace, was also invited to take part in a chat on extending the satellite’s useful life.


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