Navipedia is born, the reference for all satellite-navigation matters

The European Space Agency (ESA) has launched Navipedia, its own wiki knowledge base covering everything to do with satellite navigation. This is ESA’s first ever technical wiki opened to the public.

The initial version of Navipedia was produced with contributions from GNSS experts from GMV, contracted for the production and revision of articles, as well as from several European universities and an internal team of ESA navigation specialists. Due to its key roles in the development of the European navigation systems, EGNOS and Galileo, GMV has cultivated a highly skilled team of experts in the most varied areas of satellite navigation.

Written and reviewed by experts, the wiki now has more than 400 articles covering the fundamental principles of satellite navigation, how receivers operate, current and future operational systems around the globe and GNSS-related services and applications.

This new wiki is intended to serve a wide range of users from institutions and industry, to academia and the general public interested in knowing more about GNSS systems. Navipedia articles have therefore been classified into three categories: basic, medium and advanced, to satisfy target audiences ranging from highly knowledgeable GNSS specialists to the public at large.

Click on the following link to check out the official Navipedia site and register as users:


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