Contract With Loral for THOR 7 Satellite

Loral recently awarded GMV a contract to provide the flight dynamics system and the payload transponder management system for the THOR 7 telecommunications satellite.

GMV will provide the Thor 7 flight dynamics system based upon GMV’s product focusSuite, which offers full lifecycle flight dynamics operations support. GMV will also provide the Thor 7 payload transponder management system based upon GMV’s smart rings product which allows engineers to optimize and quickly reconfigure telecommunications payloads so as to minimize downtime.

Telenor Satellite Broadcasting, the largest building operator in Scandinavia, selected Loral from a competitive pool to build the satellite. Telenor expects to launch THOR 7 in late 2013 from the Kourou Space Centre in French Guiana. The satellite should be in service for at least 15 years.


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