Harmony, FACET and HEXIN, three projects that make GMV a benchmark in healthcare innovation

Harmony, FACET and HEXIN, three projects that make GMV a benchmark in healthcare innovation

Harmony, FACET and HEXIN, three projects that make GMV a benchmark in healthcare innovation, presented at the 10th Annual Conference of Biomedical-Research Technology Platforms

Living longer and better is one today’s society’s demands and is also the working goal of many researchers, doctors and engineers, healthcare professionals in the public and private sector. Two of the surest means towards this end, to the benefit of all citizens, are innovation and public-private collaboration. And all this needs to be done on the strength of personalized, patient-centered healthcare that is sustainable over time.

European Research Programs are pursuing the same goal, funding projects such as FACET and Harmony, in which GMV is inputting its hi-tech expertise. Jesús María Hernández, researcher of the Biomedical Research Institute of Salamanca (Instituto de Investigación Biomédica de Salamanca: IBSAL), hematologist in Salamanca’s University Hospital and coordinator of the project “Harmony: IMI Big Data for better outcomes for patients with haematologic malignancies” has been talking about these projects at the 10th Annual Conference of Biomedical-Research Technology Platforms. In his words they “call for a huge coordination effort, involving as they do many members of varying types from different countries”. Harmony, in particular, involves the participation of fifty five European partners, forty four from the public sector plus seven pharmaceutical companies and GMV as the only technology firm from Spain. GMV’s input has been crucial from the word go, driving the whole project and expertly handling the Big Data”.

Within this project GMV “is helping to extract value from the quality-assured data of seventy thousand European patients sharing a common repository,” Hernández pointed out. Its remit is to harness the potential offered by huge volumes of information generated in the healthcare sector (Big Data) and drive development of health systems towards value- and results-based models.

Extra years of quality life

Although pundits tell us that the human species has lengthened its life expectancy by thirty years, the challenge now lies in improving the quality of this additional time. Chronic diseases and dependency take a heavy toll on the elderly, so another of European research’s goals is to head off disability, paying special attention to the early stages (frailty). During the 10th Annual Conference of Biomedical-Research Technology Platforms, Leocadio Rodríguez, Head of the Geriatrics Service of Getafe’s University Hospital, addressed this Europe-wide problem. GMV is now working towards a solution via the FACET Project (FrAilty Care and wEll funcTion).

GMV’s inhouse telemedicine platform “antari HomeCare™ helps elderly people in a state of special vulnerability and high disability risk. This platform can care for them, monitor them and watch out for chronic illnesses, storing and managing their healthcare data as well as planning and monitoring their treatment. 

In this same event, which also centered on innovation within the National Health System (Sistema Nacional de Salud), the Healthcare Manager of the Galician Regional Health Service (Consellería de Sanidade e Servicio Galego de Saúde: SERGAS), Luis Ángel León Mateos, presented HEXIN, the epidemiological and clinical data mining platform set up within the Innova Saude (Healthcare Innovation) project and developed with GMV technology. With this Big Data tool “we centralize all patient information, generating a huge repository of clinical events to be used for various case studies, inputting clinical evidence and driving research”.


Source URL: http://www.gmv.com/node/4644