How to be a world-class cybersecurity leader or risk manager in the age of digital innovation

In-company cybersecurity attacks and incidents rose by 45% in Q1 of 2017, according to the figures of the Industry and Security Incident Response Center (Centro de Respuesta a Incidentes de Seguridad e Industria: CERTSI) run by the National Cybersecurity Institute (Instituto Nacional de Ciberseguridad: INCIBE). There is therefore an obvious need to raise and consolidate our levels of resistance to cyberattacks and cyberthreats in order to strengthen the competitiveness of our businesses.
Pulse Conferences has organized the CISO 360 Congress in Barcelona under the banner of “Connecting minds, securing the future”, focusing on how to be a world-class cybersecurity leader or risk manager in the age of digital innovation. The congress brought together the world’s top cybersecurity experts and stakeholders in a concerted attempt to understand what challenges we are now facing and ascertain which approaches are working.
GMV joined its fellow cybersecurity leaders in this gathering of international speakers to swap notes and share their experiences of success and risks in today’s quicksand panorama of continually shifting risks. It was also organized as a community-focused event hosted under the Chatham House rule (with the overarching idea of ensuring the anonymity of speakers and encouraging the free exchange of information); this helped to free up communication for debating key issues like the strategies for tackling the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and global privacy regulations or ideas about how CISOs are forging new roles and standards in the age of IoT and digital transformation and embracing disruptive technologies, change management and a winning cybersecurity investment strategy.
“This is a very different event from others I’ve attended. The way it’s organized fosters a free exchange of information in a circle of mutual trust where CISOs from different sectors and continents table their problems and share strategic views” was the considered opinion afterwards of Sonia Morales Robles, Head of Consultancy at GMV Secure e-Solutions.