antari for post-stroke walking rehabilitation

GMV’s antari healthcare platform features in the European Union’s SwitHome project to improve post-stroke walking rehabilitation in the home

GMV’s antari Home Care platform features in the European Union’s SwitHome project to improve post-stroke walking rehabilitation in the home. Thanks to antari, stroke sufferers can perform this rehabilitation at home under the supervision of a specialist.

SwitHome’s smart insoles record such walking data as patients’ stride distance, gait, etc, and also mapping the pressure at different points. Taken together with GMV’s inhouse remote healthcare platform antari Home Care, this then enables therapists to monitor patients’ progress and adjust the rehabilitation plan to suit.

The advantages of rehabilitation supervised and guided in the patient’s home are numerous. First and foremost it boosts patients’ motivation to adhere to the treatment and involve themselves in their own recovery, two of the fundamental factors determining the effectiveness of any therapy. For patients the advantage is obvious; they can monitor their own rehabilitation at home under medical supervision but without having to travel elsewhere.


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