Recognition of over 15 years’ work in intelligent transportation systems

Women in Traffic Management award I

On 11 November Sara Gutiérrez, manager of the automotive business unit of GMV Intelligent Transportation Systems (GMV-ITS), received the “Women in Traffic Management” (Mujer y Gestión del Tráfico) award, given for the second time this year by the Association of Traffic Engineers and Mobility Technicians (Asociación de Ingenieros de Tráfico y Técnicos de Movilidad).

This award recognizes the outstanding contribution of those women who have worked in the government, academia or private firms to improve Spain’s traffic situation and especially to encourage traffic engineering. Sara’s track record in GMV’s ITS and automotive areas has proved herself more than worthy of this award.

Sara Gutierrez joined GMV in 2000. She now works as manager of GMV Intelligent Transportation Systems’ automotive business unit and since 2010 she has combined this job with her role as independent expert of the European GNSS Agency (GSA) for GNSS-based road applications and ICT in transport.

Sara’s career has involved participation in programs of very diverse type, both in the private and public sector, always related to telematic services and the automotive sector, road traffic and mobility apps (E.g.: PAYD insurance, eCall, electronic tolling and highway-control services, vehicle applications or intelligent mobility schemes.

Sara Gutiérrez recibe el premio dSara Gutiérrez receives the prize from the hands of Sebastián de la Rica, President of the Asociación de Ingenieros de Tráfico y Técnicos de Movilidade manos del Sebastián de la Rica, Presidente de la Asociación de Ingenieros de Tráfico y Técnicos de Movilidad


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