GMV drives innovation and the application of new technologies in Sevilla

GMV at the Innovation and New Technologies Tradefair

For yet another year GMV is supporting the initiative promoted by Sevilla’s Provincial IT Corporation [Sociedad Informática Provincial (INPRO)] to drive e-government in the province’s local authorities. Antonio Perea, Business Development Manager of GMV Secure e-Solutions’ southern region, took part in the opening ceremony along with the President of the Regional Authority (Junta) of Andalucía, Susana Díaz and the president of the Provincial Council (Diputación) of Sevilla, Fernando Rodríguez Villalobos.

GMV’s expert Antonio Perea, interviewed during the event, pointed out that the company is focusing on sensorization and information processing in the area of the Internet of Things (IoT) to drive innovation and new technologies. He stressed the following eyecatching figure: “recent studies show that in less than 10 years there will be 50 connected devices per person, all of whom will have information about us and for us”.

As pointed out by Antonio Perea “innovation forms part of GMV’s DNA, and its relation with Andalucía’s government dates right back to 2000 when the company opened an office in Sevilla to drum up more business in the region.” For that very reason, now in the words of Miguel Hormigo, Manager of that Regional Office “we value INPRO’s initiative very highly and did not hesitate to take part once more and showcase GMV’s work in Andalucía in sectors like Smart Cities, Telecommunications, Cybersecurity or Big Data to help drive e-government procedures in the region”.

Complete interview: Antonio Perea at the Innovation and New Technology Tradefair


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