How AI can bring benefits to space missions by learning from the past

GMV en AI & Big Data Congress

GMV took part in the seventh edition of the AI & Big Data Congress, the benchmark congress for professionals, researchers, suppliers and companies in this field, organized annually by the Centre of Innovation for Data Tech and Artificial Intelligence (CIDAI)

On the first day of the event, Maider Fernández, Data Scientist in the Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Division of GMV’s Secure e-Solutions, gave a talk entitled the “Impact of anomalies and non-conformities on future requirements formulations.” A presentation in which he demonstrated how Artificial Intelligence brings benefits to the space missions of the European Space Agency (ESA), in a way comparing a new mission to be launched with one from the past.

El objetivo principal del proyecto que ha presentado consiste en aprovechar las lecciones aprendidas para mejorar el desarrollo de futuras misiones espaciales, reutilizando la información generada en proyectos anteriores para así evitar repetir las anomalías y mejorar los requisitos relacionados con la misión. This goal in itself is a challenge due to the excessive number of documents (unstructured data) with a lot of redundancy and lack of standardization. To do so, it has been essential to transform the project data into knowledge and to create an ontology that gathers the main concepts to create a general vocabulary for the missions. In addition, Artificial Intelligence, specifically Natural Language Processing (NLP), has been used to collect the unstructured information and thus extract the information generated by the data.

[VIDEO] “Impact of anomalies and non-conformities on future requirements formulations”


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