Galileo in the automotive sector
“Aerospace technology behind the wheel of our cars” was the title of the talk which Irma Rodriguez, head of GMV's GNSS algorithms, products and services division, gave to mark the 50th anniversary of the Colegio Mayor Universitario (CUM) student residence of Fundación SEPI to residents mainly from the Complutense University of Madrid and the Universidad Politécnica of Madrid. The meeting was also attended by the UPM Rector Guillermo Cisneros, the management of the CUM, as well as former residents.
GMV has a long track record in the area of global navigation satellite systems (GNSS). This experience has enabled it to apply all its knowledge to other areas such as autonomous vehicles and assisted driving. Irma's presentation focused on satellite navigation systems applied to precise and safe positioning for autonomous vehicles and, in particular, on the European global navigation satellite system Galileo, the flagship of the European Union's activity in the space sector.
The meeting highlighted GMV's work on the development of the precise and integral satellite positioning solution to be integrated into BMW Group's new generation of autonomous vehicles. In this context, GMV is also providing a global satellite navigation correction service and connectivity and cybersecurity solutions for autonomous vehicles.
During the meeting, attendees actively participated by sharing their concerns about the difference between the navigation systems of Europe (Galileo), the United States (GPS), Russia (Glonass) and China (Beidou), as well as the degree of penetration of Galileo in the cell phone market or the feasibility of automation in driving.
For its part, the Colegio Mayor Universitario student residence of the SEPI Foundation is attached to the Complutense University of Madrid and its goal is to promote the cultural and scientific development of the students, researchers and scholarship holders who live there. This meeting is part of an extensive program of activities to commemorate the residence's 50th anniversary.