Sprinter’s order management procedures four times faster with GMV technology

Sprinter cuatro veces más rápidos en la gestión de pedidos con la tecnología de GMV

Good logistics management is crucial for any firm that wants to be market competitive. The increasing takeup of new technology in this field is helping to save both time and space, boosting the company’s productivity.

Sprinter, a Spanish fashion, footwear and sports-complements firm, runs almost 100 shops throughout the whole of Spain plus an e-commerce shop to top up its sales outlets. Sprinter has now turned to GMV’s expertise and experience to optimize its sales processes, asking the company to set up a new warehouse for managing orders made in both high-street shops and online shops, whenever customers ask for products not actually held in stock at that time.

GMV has collaborated with Sprinter in the development of a system based on two main principles: proper organization of incoming stock and an order preparation procedure that follows the best route within the warehouse. The quantitative challenge of this project was to cut down the order-preparation time. This involved designing a system in which shop assistants, using a specially designed cart, were able to prepare several orders at once, improving time management.

The results have been more than satisfactory. By the end of the first week, the system had increased order-preparation speed fourfold, thus meeting Sprinter’s expectations for its new warehouse.



Source URL: https://gmv.com/communication/news/sprinters-order-management-procedures-four-times-faster-gmv-technology