Home Back New search Date Min Max Aeronautics Automotive Corporate Cybersecurity Defense and Security Financial Healthcare Industry Intelligent Transportation Systems Digital Public Services Services Space Aeronautics GMV attends the latest World ATM Congress 20/03/2019 Print Share From March 12 to 14 the IFEMA Congress Hall in Madrid hosted the 7th World ATM Congress, put on by the Civil Air Navigation Services Organization (CANSO) in collaboration with the Air Traffic Control Association (ATCA). This benchmark aeronautics event attracted a bumper turnout this year of 253 companies and institutions to talk about the latest trends in the sector. For yet another year GMV ran a stand showcasing various applications and solutions developed for the sector, featuring the magicIFP web application for ground- and flight-validation of performance-based-navigation (PBN) procedures and the emil system for ground inspection of ILS and VOR radio aids. MagicIFP, recently contracted for a five-year term by Spain’s main air-navigation services provider ENAIRE, is a new double-band version of its interference detector GNSS srx-10i currently rolled out in 11 Spanish airports.The Congress was organized around various sessions to debate such issues as the chronic shortage of trained personnel with the right skillsets, the integration of Unmanned Aircraft Systems Traffic Management (UTM) and the need of enhancing ATM and aviation skills. During the congress GMV also took part in two chats. One dealt with the EGNSS4RPAS project, on which it is working in collaboration with VVA, the consortium leader, and CATEC. Its aim is to standardize the use of EGNOS and Galileo in unmanned aircraft, displaying these systems’ navigation and geofencing advantages. The second dealt with the GATEMAN project, being led by GMV for the SESAR Joint Undertaking (SJU), and designed for detection and localization from aircraft of GNSS-signal threats such as jamming and spoofing. Print Share Related Aeronautics The Future of Military Aeronautics: Innovations and Technological Trends AeronauticsDefense and Security GMV presents its advances in navigation and unmanned systems at UNVEX’24 AeronauticsSpaceDefense and Security ILA Berlin 05 Jun - 09 Jun