Recognition of a 15-year career in Intelligent Transportation Systems

On 3 December Ana Herrera, head of Smart Cities business development in GMV’s Intelligent Transportations Systems sector, received the “Women and Traffic Management” prize in the fifth award ceremony held by the Association of Mobility Technicians and Traffic Engineers (Asociación de Ingenieros de Tráfico y Técnicos de Movilidad).
The award hails the work of those women from the government, university or business worlds with a standout performance in traffic and, especially, traffic engineering in Spain. Ana’s particular track record in the mobility and automotive areas of GMV’s Intelligent Transportations Systems sector makes her more than worthy of this prize.
Ana Herrera joined GMV’s space GNSS team in 2005. Shortly afterwards she moved on to the Intelligent Transportation Systems area, initially as project manager in diverse R&D projects, both Spanish and European, dealing with cooperative systems, sustainable mobility and smart cities, then joining the business development team in the same area. At the moment she is head of Smart City business development, focusing on ITS opportunities for public transport, mainly in the urban environment.
Throughout her whole GMV career Ana has grabbed the chance to work on projects of very diverse types (OASIS, FOTSIS, HeERO2 and REMOURBAN, among others) both in the public and private sectors, working on cooperative system applications initially and afterwards sustainable mobility and intelligent public transport in cities.
Ana has also represented GMV in various forums and associations related to her activity, such as the European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities and Communities, the Spanish Association of Electronics, Digital Contents and ICT Companies (Asociación de Empresas de Electrónica, Tecnologías de la Información, Telecomunicaciones y Contenidos Digitales; AMETIC), ITS España and the Valladolid and Palencia Smart City Association, among others.
Ana Herrera receives the prize from Luis Miguel Martínez Palencia, Managing Director of Madrid’s Regional Transport Consortium (Consorcio Regional de Transportes de Madrid).