GMV inputs its remote-sensing and precision-agriculture expertise

Agriculture is nowadays living through a digital transformation, bringing in more productive, efficient and sustainable forms of farming. First came the steam-driven mechanization of much farming work; next came electricity and fossil fuels. The third revolution, dubbed the green revolution, was ushered in by improved seeds, fertilizers and phytosanitary products, soon joined by a spectacular development of heavy machinery for all sorts of farming tasks. And now comes the fourth revolution with the phasing in of new ICTs, especially Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI).
Under the overarching title “Towards the fourth agrarian revolution”, Cajamar has hosted several seminars looking into the detail of this new revolution. In the first of these GMV input its expertise in agrofood digital transformation, specifically in remote sensing and precision agriculture. Miguel Hormigo, Industry Manager, and Antonio Tabasco, head of remote-sensing and geospatial analysis, talked about the smart-farming solutions GMV has been working on recently, such as AI to classify images or trace assets, before zooming in on the concrete example of WINEO, an advanced geospatial data analysis service to support decision-making in agriculture.