The Healthcare Brigade (BRISAN) shows GMV and the EDA its skills and capabilities


On 28 February the Spanish army’s Healthcare Brigade (Brigada de Sanidad: BRISAN) was visited by personnel of the Directorate General of Armament and Material (Dirección General de Armamento y Material: DGAM) accompanied by a working team made up by GMV personnel and military healthcare personnel from Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Italy, Cyprus, Belgium and Switzerland, members of the Project Team Medical of the European Defence Agency (EDA).

This visit was part of the umbrella study “Command Control & Communication Applied to Multinational Medical Support”, which GMV is carrying out for the European Defence Agency.

After a presentation of the Brigade’s organization and capabilities the delegation then visited the healthcare-instruction simulation classroom and then the combat healthcare instruction runway to witness an exhibition of the simulation resources deployed there.

Lastly, the visitors were shown the capabilities, skills and makeup of the ROLE 2 Function of the Forward Surgical Team (FST).


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