The Latest Technological Advances for Industry 5.0 at Hannover Messe

GMV en Hannover Messe

Given the supply chain disruptions, increases in energy prices, geopolitical panorama, and efforts to reduce carbon footprints, it is even more important to get back to meeting face-to-face at eminent international tech events to share know-how and success stories. One of the most highly anticipated of these gatherings for the tech industry is Hannover Messe, which over four days showed the major strategies companies are using to successfully complete their digitization processes, in an environment where sustainability is playing an increasingly significant role.

GMV was at this event to present the technological solutions it is developing and the various projects it is working on to build an Industry 5.0 that promotes economic growth by valuing not only innovation, but also people and their environment. The company also answered questions from attendees on issues surrounding automation, digitization, and cybersecurity.

At Hannover Messe, GMV was visited by the Spanish embassy to promote the internationalization of Spanish companies in the German market, boost their competitiveness, and add value to the economy as a whole.

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