Exolum and GMV both finalists in the enerTIC Awards 2023 with their onboard aircraft digitalization project

Exolum y GMV han resultado finalista de los enerTIC Awards 2023 con su proyecto de digitalización de puesta a bordo de aeronaves

After evaluation and voting by the Platform's Committee of Experts, the project implemented in Exolum, with GMV as a technological partner, was shortlisted in the “Smart Solutions and Services” category of the tenth enerTIC Awards.


This project's objective is to digitize the onboard fueling system for aircraft using Cloud Native Architectures, mobile apps and real-time API services to optimize the process efficiently and safely.

In this context, GMV has developed a complete digital product to integrate the onboarding services in real time, together with the product's technical and functional operation support services. The platform was developed with agile methodologies incorporating UX dynamics to improve the user experience in the interaction with the teams.

This project enables Exolum to continue advancing in the digitalization of its operations to gain efficiency by employing different methodologies and leveraging synergies between business areas and advanced technologies.

Since 2013, the enerTIC Awards have recognized the most innovative technological projects developed by companies and organizations committed to energy efficiency and sustainability. In this year's event, both public and private organizations submitted projects in 15 categories, including: Digital & Disruptive Startups, RD&I for Sustainability, Industrial Decarbonization, Low-Carbon Economy, Smart Buildings, Smart Cities, Smart Energy Operations, Smart Factory, Smart Grid, Smart Mobility, Smart Product, Smart Renewable Technology, Smart Solutions and Services, Smart territories and tourism, and Sustainable infrastructures.

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Source URL: http://www.gmv.com/node/7964