Home Communication Press Room Press Releases Stay up-to-date on our communications Print Share RSS Date Min Max Aeronautics Automotive Corporate Cybersecurity Defense and Security Financial Healthcare Industry Intelligent Transportation Systems Digital Public Services Services Space Autonomous Driving & ADASPositioning, navigation, and timing GMV and u-blox cooperate to address the new era in safe positioning Both companies sign an agreement for developing an integrated ready-to-use end-to-end solution for ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance System) GMV High Accuracy and Safe solution, based on satellite navigation (GNSS) technologies, cornerstone of this partnership GMV has more than 30 years of experience in GNSS and a strong legacy in automotive of more than 20 years Positioning, navigation, and timing GMV, a key provider for advanced positioning services in Australia and New Zealand GMV will be developing two core elements of the Southern Positioning Augmentation Network (SouthPAN) system, which is a joint initiative of the Australian and New Zealand governments to provide the two countries with satellite navigation and precise positioning services These systems have applications in industries as diverse as agriculture and road, air, maritime, and rail transportation, as well as in the field of geomatics GMV will play a key role in the SouthPAN project, with responsibility for developing the system’s processing and control centers and ensuring compliance with the committed performance levels Neurodegenerative Diseases GMV leads projects to improve men’s health In public-private collaboration projects run in conjunction with organizations such as the ACE Foundation and Vall d’Hebron Research Institute Artificial intelligence (AI) could, in some cases, render invasive techniques unnecessary to diagnose prostate cancer, as well as aid in the early diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases of particular prevalence and incidence Security GMV, a key participant in technological innovation project for Maritime Rescue The aim of the iSAR program is to improve search and rescue services while also reducing pollution, by applying state-of-the-art technologies GMV will be responsible for one of the iSAR project’s challenges, developing the command and control systems and creating the network infrastructure that will allow for real-time communications among maritime vessels, aircraft, and coordination centers Healthcare Digital Technology and Big Data are Advancing Personalized Treatments for Blood Cancer Patients Almost 120,000 anonymized data records have already been identified for patients with hematologic malignancies. Research is now being focused on finding the most effective therapies that can cover the entire research spectrum for these forms of cancer, bringing new hope for those suffering from the less common types GMV is the technological partner responsible for the secure platform that stores the data and makes it available for scientific analysis, with anonymization of the data and harmonization based on the common OMOP data model Autonomous Driving & ADAS GMV winner in the CLEPA ‘Smart & Safe’ Awards At the 7th Edition of the European Automotive Suppliers Association (CLEPA) Innovation Awards GMV has more than 30 years of experience in GNSS and more than 20 years in the supply of automotive software GMV GSharp for automotive is a groundbreaking solution based on satellite navigation technology that provides highly accurate and safe positioning information and is already being used in the autonomous vehicles of the main OEMs Transportation by bus TMB and GMV are improving the Barcelona Bus Turístic user experience with a new boarding system It will be quicker and easier for tourists to board the Barcelona Bus Turístic, by using optical scanning and QR codes to validate their tickets The new system will further improve TMB’s service by sending data on times and places of interest, allowing adaptation to the needs of the passengers The new boarding system will go into operation before the end of 2023 Corporate GMV joins UN Global Compact The Global Compact is the leading international initiative promoting corporate sustainability and responsibility GMV’s commitment is a testament to its aim of becoming an even more sustainable business and bolstering its activity around various targets of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Defense IRIS system developed by GMV demonstrates its versatility during NATO’s REPMUS exercise REPMUS (Robotic Experimentation and Prototyping Augmented by Maritime Unmanned Systems) is the largest military exercise with experimental participation by unmanned maritime systems. Its purpose is to allow NATO and its allies to demonstrate their technological and operational capabilities The IRIS system, developed by GMV as part of the Spanish Ministry of Defense’s RAPAZ program, has demonstrated its high level of interoperability and integration with other command and control systems GMV has complied with all of the planned integration objectives, with participation in the I2I network used during the exercise, exchanging information with the systems operated by the other allied nations Earth Observation Risk of Forest Fires to Increase Threefold GMV plays a key role in the European Union’s FirEUrisk project, which aims to find a solution to forest fires GMV will assess the cascading effects, causes, and consequences of forest fires, and propose science-based solutions Positioning, navigation, and timing GMV, FrontierSI, Ericsson and Optus prove 5G-based High Accuracy Positioning HealthcareSpace ESA relies on GMV to monitor the health of astronauts The multinational firm is working on a solution to assist with the diagnosis of crew members while reducing the need for consultation with physicians on Earth The project will enhance the use of ultrasound technology to capture clinically relevant medical images of the astronauts’ organs Pagination First page « Previous page ‹ … Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Current page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 … Next page › Last page »