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According to the 24th Eurospace facts & figures annual report, Europe’s space industry, employing 47,895 full-time workers, chalked up sales worth 8.756 billion euros

GMV accounts for 2.06% of the European space industry’s employees

GMV’s 2019 space industry, up by 30%, topped 140 million euros, ranking world number one in areas like control centers and navigation

The main contributors to these record figures are the Galileo and Copernicus programs, OneWeb’s megaconstellation, developments for EUMETSAT, space surveillance and planetary defense and exploration

Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) thereby recognizes the 10+ years of collaboration between both companies

The clinching factor in receiving this accolade was the European Space Agency’s project for maintenance and upgrading of Galileo’s ground control segment, the biggest project based on HPE’s Simplivity in southern Europe

HPE’s idea with this award scheme is to hail the year’s best-performing channel partners in terms of results and achievements, level of commitment and development of value in clients, plus a focus on growth and innovation

The overarching idea is to search by means of artificial intelligence for any correlations between COVID-19 spread and environmental parameters

It will help decision-making in terms of protection measures and lockdown, while also vetting the efficiency of the measures taken

GMV’s platform, developed with collaboration of Universidad Politécnica de Valencia will be based on satellite navigation data for science

GMV will be taking part in 4 of the 16 projects selected in the first call of the European Commission’s European Defence Industrial Development Programme (EDIDP)

The four projects between them add up to 155 million euros, accounting for over 50% of the total budget

GMV’s participation focuses on areas where it has built up a wealth of expertise and international experience, such as command and control, navigation, unmanned vehicles and cyberdefense

GMV will take charge of the command and control and C4ISR interoperability system under the Integrated Modular Unmanned Ground System (iMUGS)

iMUGS is one of the projects funded under the European Commission’s EDIDP 2019-2020 program

In this project GMV will be drawing on its vast experience in command and control and C4ISR interoperability systems

Covclear helps to make sure offices will be a safer workplace without endangering the health of employees

La app has been developed in collaboration with privacy experts and drawing on GMV’s security expertise to make sure all data is duly protected

The app springs from the company’s own needs and is now being launched on the strength of its previous experience in the development of technology and mobile apps

The SENDA navigation system is GMVs’ advanced navigation and timing solution for naval systems

It incorporates multi-constellation (GPS, Galileo) satellite navigation technology compatible with both civil and military signals, plus DGNSS corrections

This new award makes GMV Spain’s benchmark navigation systems firm, now boasting expertise in the air, land and sea sectors

Seeker is an autonomous system designed for low-level intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance missions

The systems will be integrated into the intelligence units of the Paratrooper Brigade and the Marine Infantry Protection Force

This represents a qualitative leap forward for Spain’s armed forces, ensuring better operational capability and tactical superiority of Spanish troops

Social engineering is the entry vector for between 60% and 70% of these threats

Phishing accounts for 57% of these attacks

In 2020 over 44,000 people will be diagnosed with colorectal cancer

Intraoperative radiotherapy offers higher survival rates in recurrent rectal cancer

Europe’s drone market is expected to build up to 10 billion euros a year by 2035, topping 15 billion euros by 2050

SUGUS is a European Commission project that aims to speed up the takeup of Europe’s GNSSs to ensure safe airspace access by unmanned aircraft

Using EGNOS and Galileo, the project sets out to ensure safe and efficient coexistence of manned and unmanned air traffic

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