The CISIM project, led by GMV, comes to an end

CISIM is the continuation of the previous CRICTISIM project, both funded by the European Commission – Directorate General of Home Affairs.

The project has been carried out by a consortium of three organizations: GMV as project leader, with the collaboration of the Information Technology and Telecommunications Center (CTTI) of the Regional Government of Catalunya (Generalitat de Catalunya) and the Universidad Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC).

The aim of the project was to create a methodology for calculating the dependability (reliability, availability and maintainability) of all ICT infrastructure, including hardware, software, processes and operations, IT security events and natural disasters.

There are significant similarities between the ICT infrastructure of the various EU member states. These similarities in terms of availability and recovery capacity are often not taken properly onboard. CISIM offers a model for evaluating ICT infrastructure regardless of where it is and how these similarities are used.

The resulting CISIM methodology and tools will facilitate the design of new resilient infrastructure or modifying existing infrastructure whose design is known to meet required elasticity parameters. Hypothetical scenarios have been set up to test its analysis of business continuity and prevention and contention strategies. It also checks whether any infrastructure outlays will produce expected results in terms of availability and recovery of infrastructure capacity.
More project information available at:


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