GMV has participated in the 1st Digital-Economy Encounter

Luis Fernando en el Encuentro Economía Digital 2015

GMV has participated in the 1st Digital-Economy Encounter “ I Encuentro sobre economía digital” organized by the employers association for ICT firms, AMETIC, conocer to find out how our society is being affected by the digital transformation, promoting the host of advantages it offers for society as a whole.

Head billing at this event went to such leading figures as Jose Manuel Soria, Spain’s Minister of Industry, Energy and Tourism, and Paul Zwillenberg Partner & Managing Director of The Boston Consulting Group.

where Luis Fernando Álvarez-Gascón, General Manager of GMV Secure e-Solutions, gave his view on the question “Is the Digital Transformation client-centered?“.

In any digital economy the client has to be the driving force of change. ICTs are ushering in a brand new stage, making business more forward looking and sparing entrepreneurs the bother of carrying out complicated management operations, dealing with a much better informed client. The end result should be empowered clients. The trouble is that all this is not happening quickly enough.

Luis Fernando offered an interesting point of view about how technology is changing people’s habits in a sector as important as healthcare. Today’s patients have greater access to information. Formerly they were guided almost exclusively by top-down medical opinion but today there is an ever increasing number of patient information exchange forums. Technology and this greater access to real time information empower patients, giving them more control and a greater sense of responsibility for the whole healthcare process.

One of the most hotly debated subjects in the round table was security. Half of today’s users harbor doubts about whether the value offered by the Internet of Things is matched by proper data security. The industry now has the responsibility of building secure systems, helping to bridge the digital readiness gap between internet access and internet skills.


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