RENLand distinguished with a SAG Award

sag award

The SIG project developed by GMV for Redes Energéticas Nacionais (REN), a Portuguese company whose main business activity is running the country’s public power distribution system, has just won a SAG Award. The SAG (Special Achievement in GIS) Award hails the year’s most important, innovative and impactful project.

RENLAND’s main mission is to manage the vegetation growing in the right of way of power lines and gas pipelines and Grupo REN’s other properties, through the monitoring and registration of activities using a mobility solution.

RENLAND consists of a collaborative solution that makes teamwork more agile and efficient, facilitating data-gathering and information sharing. Following a long-term business partnership between GMV and ESRI, RENLAND has been developed using ESRI’s most recent technology in the field of Geographic Information Systems (GIS). RENLAND is an innovative concept dreamed up by REN’s Property and Right of Way managers, concerning operational management and maintenance of the right of way of power lines and gas pipelines run under REN’s responsibility.

RENLAND was developed on ESRI GIS technology and used the following solutions: ArcGIS Desktop for the backoffice component and data manipulation; ArcGIS Portal for the multi-profile WebGIS frontend; ArcGIS ESRI Collector as the mobility solution (tablets and smartphones). The reporting and dashboard component was developed with Qlikview.

The award was handed over during the Esri User Conference held in San Diego, California between 10 and 14 July.


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