GMV takes part in one of Europe’s leading quantum technology events

From 7 to 10 May, the Kursaal Conference Centre and Auditorium in San Sebastián hosted the fourth edition of the Quantum Matter International Conference, Quantum Matter 2024. The goal of the event is to bring together the wide range of communities involved in the science and technology behind quantum information and matter, two revolutionary components in the field of information processing that are playing a key role in helping experts discover and apply paradigms in quantum technologies and computing. The event, one of the largest in Europe in the field of quantum technologies, brought together more than 600 professionals working in this area and was made possible thanks to the joint efforts of the Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC), the Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2), Phantoms Foundation, and the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC).
The presence of renowned scientists, such as Juan Ignacio Cirac, research centers, companies, and students offered a perfect opportunity to learn, share ideas, and discover new approaches with the goal of continuing to develop quantum technologies, not only at a theoretical level but also with a view to incorporating them into industry.
As a sponsor and exhibitor at this event, GMV showcased its expertise, innovation, and commitment to driving progress in the quantum industry. Represented by Alexander Benítez, Enrique Crespo, Carlos Pérez, and Antón Gutiérrez, GMV demonstrated its commitment to supporting the quantum community’s growth and development. By aligning its brand with this high-profile event, GMV is cementing its place as a key player in quantum science and emphasizing its commitment to expanding the limits of quantum technologies.
One example is CUCO, the first project in Spain that addresses quantum computing at the national level and for business. Led by GMV, the consortium for this project is made up of six companies (BBVA, DAS Photonics, GMV, Multiverse Computing, Qilimanjaro Quantum Tech, and Repsol); five research centers (BSC, CSIC, DIPC, ICFO, and Tecnalia), and one public university, the Polytechnic University of Valencia.
The CUCO project has received financial backing from Spain’s Center for Technological and Industrial Development (CDTI), with additional support from the Ministry of Science and Innovation as part of the country’s Recovery, Transformation, and Resilience Plan. The project’s aim is to investigate how quantum computing can be applied in strategic industries such as industry, finance, space, defense, and logistics. Thanks to this partnership, experts are now researching solutions that apply quantum computing to fields such as Earth observation and the fight against climate change.