Home Press Releases Stay up-to-date on our communications Print Share RSS Date Min Max Aeronautics Automotive Corporate Cybersecurity Defense and Security Financial Healthcare Industry Intelligent Transportation Systems Digital Public Services Services Space Industry The CUCO project conducts research in to the use of quantum computing and its application in strategic industries The aim of the project is to generate knowledge related to quantum technologies that make it possible to solve problems that classic computing is currently unable to resolve efficiently The project objective is to advance the state of the art of quantum algorithms and apply that knowledge to a series of proofs of concept in different strategic sectors of the Spanish economy Intelligent Transportation Systems GMV to revamp ticketing and CAD/AVL systems for urban transportation in Granada The upgrade will enable users to pay with contactless transportation cards, QR codes, and EMV cards, including physical cards and virtual versions on smartphones It will also make it possible to track the fleet’s locations and services to improve quality, while also monitoring potential emergency situations Corporate Flexibility and trust: fundamental aspects of GMV’s work models Supervisors, along with their teams, will need to establish approaches to work organization that can ensure compliance with commitments, productivity, and a work-life balance GMV is redesigning its concept of "office" to suit its new work models Defense and Security GMV Begins Production of Navigation System for VCR 8x8 The company is set to supply 240 ISNAV units to Spanish Army contractor Tess Defence This is GMV’s advanced navigation and timing solution for ground systems, providing positioning information on armored vehicles with or without GNSS signals CybersecurityDigital Public Services 5G enables immediate and secure access to a "virtual smartphone" in the cloud through a single application Healthcare Improving Cancer Treatment with Artificial Intelligence and Real-World Data The OPTIMA project aims to advance treatments for prostate, breast and lung cancer by applying cutting-edge technologies AeronauticsDefense and Security BRIPAC evaluates the capabilities of the Passer UAS within the framework of the RAPAZ Program For the evaluation, extensive testing was carried out on the operability of the Passer. Developed by Aurea Avionics and GMV, the Passer is an unmanned aircraft designed to provide intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) capabilities to defense and security users The tests are a part of the RAPAZ project, led by PLATIN, to assess the different options of Class I RPAS available in the Spanish market Space State-of-the-art software to catalogue space debris for the German Space Agency The German Space Agency at DLR awards GMV a contract to develop advanced Space Surveillance and Tracking (SST) data processing algorithms for the German SSA Centre (GSSAC) The main purpose of the contract is to develop, validate, and integrate advanced orbit propagation, orbit determination and data correlation algorithms aiming at achieving an overall improved catalog build-up and maintenance capability, contributing to the EU SST system Healthcare The HARMONY Alliance creates the first European map of hematologic neoplasms applying big data and artificial intelligence The HARMONY Alliance, comprised of the IMI HARMONY and HARMONY PLUS projects, covers the full spectrum of research into hematologic neoplasms and seeks to facilitate the development of more effective treatments for patients affected by this type of disease The Alliance is applying advanced analytical technologies, big data and artificial intelligence, developed by GMV, to draw the first European map of blood tumors The HARMONY database will use the data shared to date and aims to function as a tool for designing new clinical tests and reduce their costs, with the corresponding benefits to society Space Galileo Ground Control Segment ready for Full Operational Capability A new GCS (Ground Control Segment) infrastructure has been completely deployed in the Galileo Ground Control Centres and is being used to operate the Galileo Satellite Constellation The new GCS features improved reliability and security, including the most advanced techniques This is the result of several years of hard work, since GMV was awarded the maintenance and upgrading of the Galileo GCS Defense and Security GMV breaks into the top 5 EDIDP-participating firms The European Defence Industrial Development Programme aims to boost EU’s defense industry competitiveness GMV has won 11 contracts in EDIDP’s two calls The seven 2nd-call projects GMV is participating in are worth between them 50.1 million euros, now to be added on to the 155 million euros of the four projects won in the first call The contracts won center on the development of artificial intelligence (AI), command and control, navigation, space and cyberdefense Space GMV supplies the ground segment of Hispasat’s new generation of satellites The contract includes supply of the control center and flight dynamics system, a new ground station in Río de Janeiro for the Amazonas Nexus satellite, a new satellite tracking system and sundry ground equipment, plus a new control and management system for all Hispasat’s ground stations The deal clincher was GMV’s wealth of experience in systems of this type Hispasat, a Spanish satellite operator, is one of GMV’s flagship clients, now running GMV systems in its whole fleet of satellites Pagination First page « Previous page ‹ … Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Current page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 … Next page › Last page »