
GMV is present at the most important technology events in its sectors

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Space for all

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Engineering services and the most advanced systems and programs for the aeronautical sector

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Defense and Security

Innovative solutions for the defense and security sector

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Intelligent Transportation Systems

Leader in the design, development, implementation, and rollout of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)

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Advanced solutions for connected autonomous vehicles

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We cover the entire cybersecurity life cycle: identify, protect, detect, respond, and recover

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Digital Public Services

We apply our digital transformation know-how to public administration

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Technology and innovation at the service of the healthcare sector

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Defining a new future for smart, competitive, industry

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We adapt your business to new technology securely

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Over 35 years as a trusted technology partner of the world’s leading banking institutions

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Acquisition of the US demand-response software company, Mobilitat Works Inc., boosts GMV’s expansion potential in the US and consolidates its position in the worldwide intelligent transportation system (ITS) market

Mobilitat Works develops and provides dispatching and scheduling systems for over 120 municipal and private demand-response transit agencies across the United States

GMV is taking part in the European TREsPASS project, inputting its cybersecurity risk-management experience in the financial field

GMV announces the merger of its German subsidiary, GMV GmbH, and INSYEN AG to create a key German player in the European Space Industry. This deal consolidates GMV’s leading position in the global space ground segment and operations

GMV-INSYEN will have a 120-strong staff and tap into the commercial, technological and operational synergies of both firms

Satellite Based Augmentation Systems (SBAS) monitor and correct the signals emitted by Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), especially GPS signals

Although SBAS was initially conceived for civil aviation it is being used nowadays in sectors as diverse as agriculture, road-, rail- and sea-transport and also geomatics

The SBAS-Africa program, co-funded by the UK Space Agency (UKSA), has recently demonstrated the potential benefits of SBAS in southern and eastern Africa

GMV will provide an advanced fleet-management system along with an in-station passenger information system

The advanced fleet-management system will ensure punctual and efficient management of the line by the operator Transdev

The company has supplied the advanced fleet-management and video surveillance system and the electronic fare-collection system

Malta Public Transport has phased far-reaching innovations into its whole fleet of urban and interurban buses

The GMV-GEYCE consortium is chosen by Portugal’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs to run its consular offices

It will connect up all the consular offices with the central systems of the Portuguese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, avoiding any information overlap

This new contract reinforces GMV’s international position in the defense and security area

It complements the “Asteroid Impact Mission (AIM) Science Meeting” held on 1 and 2 March in the European Space Agency’s European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC/ESA)

GMV is responsible for the design of mission analysis and guidance, navigation and control (GNC) of the AIM mission. It is also helping to define operations towards the target asteroid

ESA will decide whether to approve the mission in December of this year. If given the go-ahead, AIM will be launched in 2020

Maybank has plumped for checker ATM Security, the market leader ATM-security solution developed by the technology multinational GMV

The demonstrations will be part of FirEUrisk, a 4-year, 10-million-euro, Horizon 2020 project of the European Commission

The five regions chosen for these demos are in Portugal, Spain, Greece, Central Europe (Germany-Poland-Czech Republic) and Sweden

The project targets the prevention and reduction of wildfires and adaptation of management strategies to reduce their irreversible effects: human casualties, economic, natural and cultural heritage loss

Asgard kicks off, a project in which GMV is collaborating with Saab to develop a new maritime GNSS receiver based on the open service of Europe's Galileo satellite navigation service 

The multi-constellation, double-frequency receiver will comply with European and international legislation and use Galileo's OS-NMA authentication mechanism 

The contract takes in the 41 trams of Trambaix and Trambesòs, clocking up between them 30 million trips a year

Alstom’s Citadis 302 tram model, running on the six lines, will be fitted with GMV’s inhouse railway fleet management system (SAE-R)

This system incorporates state-of-the-art tracking technology, GIS, mobile communications and integration with passenger information systems

EUSPA (The European Union Agency for the Space Programme) awards a contract to GMV for the implementation of the Galileo High Accuracy Data Generator (HADG)

The project aims to ensure the continuous provision of Galileo data with a proper rate, accuracy, availability, continuity and latency

GMV´s leading role in this project is the culmination of a long race and the result of R&D investment in pursuit of cutting-edge GNSS high-accuracy solutions

Según conclusiones extraídas en el marco del proyecto de investigación impulsado por el EIT Health, FACET, que cuenta con financiación europea y el liderazgo clínico del Servicio de Geriatría del Hospital Universitario de Getafe

Personas mayores con diagnóstico de fragilidad han sido monitorizadas de forma remota y continua en su domicilio por especialistas de los hospitales públicos de Getafe y Albacete

The European Defence Agency (EDA) has awarded GMV the SAFETERM and AI-GNCAir projects

SAFETERM uses computer vision techniques to enhance flight termination systems and procedures for Medium-Altitude Long-Endurance RPASs

AI-GNCAir studies the takeup of artificial intelligence in guidance, navigation and control for aerial applications

Yahsat, the UAE-based satellite operator is one of GMV’s flagship clients

The contract includes supply of both the control centre and flight dynamics system for the Thuraya 4-NGS satellite

The contract has been won on the strength of GMV’s wealth of experience in supplying systems of this type

The three companies set up the joint venture SATNUS Technologies, S.L., with an identical capital contribution each, adjusting the workload distribution for each of the phases of the program

SATNUS Technologies, S.L will coordinate all activities of the remote carriers technology pillar, led in Spain by the 3 companies in a consortium

This reinforces and reaffirms the commitment of GMV, SENER Aeroespacial and TECNOBIT- GRUPO OESÍA to drive national participation in this important pillar, placing Spain in pole position in the Next Generation Weapon System (NGWS)

The German Space Agency at DLR awards a contract to GMV for upgrading the German SSA Centre (GSSAC) Mission System

The main purpose of the contract is the further development of the GSSAC Mission System, contributing to EU SST data processing capabilities, in order to be prepared to meet future requirements of an advanced framework regarding performance and scalability

The combined capabilities of the three companies will result in a relevant industrial player in the missile systems sector that can address the needs of the Ministry of Defense and the Armed Forces, and represent national interests in international cooperation projects

GMV is selected by the European Space Agency (ESA) as a supplier of the Radio Frequency Constellation Simulator, the largest contract signed by GMV in Portugal

The main objectives of Galileo Second Generation are the phasing in of new services, improvement of existing services and increase of security

Coordinated by GMV and funded under the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 programme, ADE (Autonomous DEcision Making in very long traverses) is part of the Strategic Research Cluster (SRC) in space robotics technology

The five weeks of trials put through its paces the robotics technology developed outside the laboratory, performing an almost 500-m autonomous traverse in less than 3 hours, using image-based autonomous navigation

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