
GMV is present at the most important technology events in its sectors

Icono Espacio

Space for all

Icono Aeronáutica

Engineering services and the most advanced systems and programs for the aeronautical sector

Icono Defensa y Seguridad
Defense and Security

Innovative solutions for the defense and security sector

Icono Its
Intelligent Transportation Systems

Leader in the design, development, implementation, and rollout of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)

Icono Automoción

Advanced solutions for connected autonomous vehicles

Icono Ciberseguridad

We cover the entire cybersecurity life cycle: identify, protect, detect, respond, and recover

Icono Servicios Públicos Digitales
Digital Public Services

We apply our digital transformation know-how to public administration

Icono Sanidad

Technology and innovation at the service of the healthcare sector

Icono Industria

Defining a new future for smart, competitive, industry

Icono Servicios

We adapt your business to new technology securely

Icono Financiero

Over 35 years as a trusted technology partner of the world’s leading banking institutions

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GMV has signed an agreement with CONFIANZA ONLINE under which it binds itself to abide by the “Code of ethics of e-commerce and interactive publicity”

GMV, leader of the FIRESMART project, has organized a conference in which top specialists analyzed the various fire prevention methods

radiance, a dedicated treatment planning system for intra-operative radiation therapy, is the perfect simulation and planning tool to assist radiation oncologists, surgeons, physicists and other IORT professionals

GMV, the Spanish technology group, and Realsec, the Spanish manufacturer of hardware-based cryptography systems, have signed an agreement for allying the latter’s technology with two groundbreaking security products developed by GMV

Stand 3F410 will be giving customized demos of GMV’s Advanced Fleet-Management and Passenger-Information Systems

The opening of this new office continues the company’s international expansion drive, thus consolidating the various technological sectors

CRICTISIM is a GMV-led project under the CIPS program of the European Commission’s Directorate General of Home Affairs

This is the biggest vehicle fleet for which GMV has ever set up one of its management systems

This new product is to be presented in the GSMA Mobile World Congress to be held from today until 17 February in Barcelona

For the first time ever international defense and security sales topped the national figure in 2016

GMV has now made itself an international defense and security benchmark

Its clients now include FRONTEX, the European Defence Agency, the European External Action Service, the European Maritime Safety Agency, NATO organizations and MoDs of NATO countries on both sides of the Atlantic

GMV also boasts a standout presence in the European Commission’s R&D framework program in the Secure Societies challenge

GMV inputs its healthcare Big Data and simulation expertise to the H2020 RAINBOW project

The Copernicus program services will transform satellite data into value-added information

e-GEOS, the consortium-priming company, will help the European Union Satellite Centre (SATCEN) to build up EU capacity in security operations outside the union

GMV will be in charge of providing operational geospatial-production services in support to EU external action

GMV is participating in close to twenty Horizon 2020 programs, covering areas as diverse as space, robotics, aeronautics, defense & security, cybersecurity, healthcare and transport

Within this program the European Commission is funding implementation of a strategic research cluster on "Space Robotics Technologies”, coordinated by the PERASPERA project

GMV is leading three of the six robotic technology building blocks, to be used in future space missions

These first phases of the space robotics technology program have been granted a 22-million euro budget for the 2015-2018 period

GMV carries out the Virtual-Android project that takes the cell phone interface into the cloud, allowing cell-phone access with all apps from any handheld

Security, versatility and mass management of virtual smartphones are just some of the performance features given to developers by ubic

The solution to manage its researcher’s patents takes in the technology of the Spanish Patents and Brands Office

GMV signs a two-year collaborative research project with Geoscience Australia (GA)

GMV will provide the most advanced GNSS augmentation technologies to deploy in Australia an operational augmentation system that will provide innovative multi-constellation and dual-frequency services for all transport and industrial sectors

More than 60 experts from 30 European space-robotics institutions to discuss the requirements of the European Space Robotics Strategic Research Cluster

GMV is coordinating three of the six, first-phase robotic technology building blocks, to be used in future space missions

The Europe-wide health project will help to improve treatment of patients with blood diseases

This represents recognition of GMV’s ongoing quest of quality as the driver of excellence and sustainability

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