Início Comunicação Notícias Para trás New search Date Min Max Aeronáutica Setor Automóvel Corporativo Cibersegurança Defesa e Segurança Financeiro Saúde Indústria Sistemas inteligentes de transporte Serviços públicos digitais Serviços Espaço Espaço GMV supplies OHB System with payload management systems 22/01/2013 Imprimir Partilhar The German satellite manufacturer OHB SYSTEM has recently procured three payload management tools from GMV for the Hispasat AG1 satellite, which is currently under construction. The tools, based upon the GMV’s inhouse smart rings and smart beams products, will enable Hispasat’s payload engineers to optimize, streamline and completely automate payload reconfiguration activities, including satellite communication antennae. Both tools are also fully integrated with the multi-satellite control and monitoring system, hifly®, and the flight dynamics system, focusGEO, also to be provided by GMV, in this case through a direct contact with Hispasat. This means that the whole reconfiguration process, from the acquisition of the new optimal payload configuration through to the execution and verification of the necessary reconfiguration commands, will be fully automated. Imprimir Partilhar Related Espaço A GMV vai desenvolver uma nova versão do gerador de dados para o serviço de alta precisão Galileo HAS Espaço A GMV obtém um contrato importante para a missão CyberCUBE da ESA para reforçar a cibersegurança espacial Espaço O Galileo G2 superou um marco-chave ao integrar os seus segmentos espacial e terrestre com êxito